The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to set expectations of how volunteers are to conduct themselves in order to protect the students we mentor and the ministry we serve.
Expected Lifestyle Conduct of CYBC Adults:
- Honor God with your time and talents striving to be a Godly example in the community.
- Believe in the Biblical definition of marriage as a divine institution between one man and one woman and live accordingly. Sex is a gift from God reserved for heterosexual, monogamous marriage.
- Believe that God immutably creates each person as male or female, which reflects the image and nature of God and live according to the biological sex God assigned at birth.
- Avoid the abuse of alcohol, drugs and other substances/practices that can do harm, and impair our judgement, and seriously interfere with our ability to effectively minister in our clubs and community.
Expected Conduct of Adults at CYBC:
- Recognize that CYBC is a community Bible club; welcome the opportunity to work alongside other Bible-believing churches to support CYBC.
- Respect the school staff, meeting room and school building in such a way that represents Christ.
- Respect boundaries by limiting physical contact. Hugs should be initiated by the student. Adults are responsible for responding appropriately with a side hug, high five, pat on the back or shoulder.
- Never be alone with a child during CYBC meetings or events. All meetings take place in a public setting. If an adult needs to talk with a child, he or she must talk with the child in the meeting room and not take the student to a private meeting area.
- Adults are not to enter children’s restrooms. Restrooms are to be monitored from afar (ie: the hallway). In the event of an emergency, two adults should be present.
- Use the CYBC website, Facebook,Twitter and other forms of social media to build unity and enthusiasm for the ministry and to encourage those involved with CYBC. Any concerns should be addressed directly through the CYBC leadership or by sending an e-mail to Leaders may use email to communicate with club families through the CYBC website.